What is Reiki and its Benefits
Reiki is a healing technique and a tool for personal growth and development. It balances the energy within the body: increasing vitality, promoting relaxation, enhancing well-being and joy for life, reducing stress, and releasing negative emotional states. Reiki does not claim to cure but can help you in the natural process of self-healing and the relief of pain.
Reiki is also a valuable tool to promote change and improve any aspect of your life, such as health, relationships, career or business, it empowers you to take responsibility for yourself. As your confidence and intuition become stronger, you feel in much greater control of your life, rather than being at the mercy of outside influences.
Reiki can be combined with any conventional medical treatments or therapies such as massage, reflexology, hypnotherapy etc. Many therapists learn Reiki as it helps to prevent them taking on the negativity of their clients, and it boosts their own energy levels whilst they are working.
Its current form was first developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddist Mikao Usui. Reiki is not linked with any religions or dogmas, so it is accessible to anyone from any background.
A little bit about me
In the Original Usui System of Reiki Healing
The Master Lineage leading to me.
Dr. Mikao Usui
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
Mrs Hawayo Takata
Barbara Weber-Ray
John Latz
Clarity-Ann Martin
Carrlyn Clay
Chris Parkes
Lynn Hubbard
Nobuyoshi Nawa
Tania Fry
Hi, I am Tania formerly from Keynsham in the west country and relocated to the beautiful village of Hawarden in 2007.
I can’t exactly remember when or why I decided to have my first Reiki session, but having greatly benefited from it and finding it to be an intensely therapeutic treatment, I was compelled on completion of my Reiki Level 1 attunement to complete Reiki Level 2 and Master Level so that I would be able to share my passion for Reiki professionally. I have always striven for authenticity and was attuned by Traditional Reiki Master/Teacher Nobuyoshi Niwa; my lineage goes back to the Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.
I have a huge love of animals, exercise to get the energy moving and in my element when out in Mother Nature.
I am a member of the UK Reiki Federation (UKRF) the largest Reiki-only professional organisation in the UK and Europe.